To be successful in love is to be called Ernest. Or so it would seem. Picture if you will, two eligible bachelors who are forced to lead double lives while in pursuit of two young women who are both determined to marry a man of the name of Ernest. Their search soon becomes a tangle of deception, disguise and misadventure and adding to the confusion there is the small matter of a handbag and its contents. This dazzling, farcical play is famous for its witty dialogue, razor sharp satire and timeless humour and is considered to be one of the greatest stage comedies of all time.
Samantha Elgar (Gwendolen Fairfax)
Richard Jones (John Worthing)
Patrick Knox (Rev. Canon Chasuble)
Vivien Ludgate (Maid)
Sally Matthews (Miss Prism)
Tanya Ogden (Lady Bracknell)
Hazel Perrett (Cecily Cardew)
Mike Stanley (Lane)
Trevor Walton (Merriman)
Chris Williamson (Algernon Moncrieff)